In this episode we’re continuing to learn about discernment with Colette Chase and will go over two helpful exercises to hone our skills. graphic for fikapodcast 010


  1. Upcoming Workshops and Recap of Discernment [00:00:44]
  2. Alignment Exercise – Ground-Source-Center-Sphere [00:02:36]
  3. Find Present Time [00:13:29]
  4. What are the Scales and how do we learn how to discern with them? [00:16:30]
  5. True with a Capital T or small t [00:19:44]
  6. The Numbers and The Different Scales [00:27:04]
  7. Discernment Exercise – Scale [00:37:33]
  8. Just because you know an answer doesn’t mean you should go say it [00:55:39]

Links and Show Notes:

  • Psychic Awareness & Opening March 12-13, 2016
  • Profound personal healing sessions with Colette
  • Submit questions here or use #FIKApodcast on social media.
  • Find your guest, Colette Chase, at, Twitter @ChaseinGrace, and via email at

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FIKA PODCAST EPISODE 010: Discernment Exercise with Colette Chase

Erica Eriksdotter: Hi lovelies!  It’s time for FIKA! The Swedish word that means bonding and connecting with friends over coffee or tea. This is the place to be for real talks and discussions about everything from healing, fine arts, motherhood and entrepreneurship to health and fitness. The focus is connecting the dots through consciousness and elevating how consciousness is directed through each guest’s career and life path. My name is Erica Eriksdotter, born and raised in Sweden and I now live outside of Washington, D.C. I’m a fine arts painter and owner of Studio Eriksdotter, certified Intra-Dimensional Healer and PR and Social Media Strategist. I’m a modern woman, connected to Self who brings meaning to life through an earth centered truth.

  1. [00:00:44] Upcoming Workshops and Recap of Discernment

Erica Eriksdotter: Colette is back and we’re going to continue speaking about discernment. But, before we jump in to today’s show, a quick note about an upcoming event. Colette will actually be teaching Psychic Awareness and Opening Workshop in Reston, VA on March 12th and 13th, that is in 2016. In addition, there are profound personal healing sessions available for March 14th and 15th together with Colette. Check out the events section on for more information and how to register.

Ok. So, if you haven’t listened to Episode 7 yet, hit pause on this one and come back to this episode after you’ve listened to that one. Because, today we are going to go into a discernment exercise. In Episode 7, Colette mentioned that discernment is an alignment of yourself in which you can discern your environment, figure out what part belongs to reality, what part belongs to actuality, what part is none of your business and what part do you mind and put your attention to.

We mentioned a few key things in that episode regarding discernment. First, discernment is figuring out who in you is in charge of you. Your body never lies to you. To listen to your body more as your mind is typically racing and to talk to your higher self and get answers. Get to know your higher self and ask the questions to elevate your being. Lastly, connect with divinity because you have a direct line to divinity and to practice that connection. So, Hi Colette!

Colette Chase: Hello!

Erica Eriksdotter: Hi.

Colette Chase: [laughing] We’re back!

  1. [00:02:36] Discernment Exercise – Ground-Source-Center-Sphere

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah. So, today we’re going to go through a discernment exercise and it’s probably worth mentioning that we highly recommend everyone not to be driving and not be under the influence while doing this exercise with us. But, other than that, Colette, do you want to kick off?

Colette Chase: Yes. We’re going to touch on the very first podcast that we did because we’re going to do an alignment first and then we’re also going touch on the discernment podcast because we’re actually going to expand on the scales we were talking about in that podcast, we’re going to expand on that. This is also a piece of the psychic awareness and opening class so if you’re wondering what the heck that was all about, this is actually a piece of that. So, if this interests you, then please come see us when we have our class because it’s going to be a lot of fun. If you can’t make it, then hopefully this little piece is for you and it’s enough for you at this time. So, let’s start with ground, source, center, sphere. I think we said that in the first podcast, right?

Erica Eriksdotter: We briefly mentioned, correct, but we never dove into what it means or how you actually get grounded, sourced and centered.

Colette Chase: Okay, well, that’s a good point. There’s so many ways of doing that and there’s so many different disciplines and practices that people do, so I don’t want to step anybody’s toes to say that this is the end all be all way to do it. It’s just a way. It’s one that I’ve used for years so this is the way I’m going to do it. So, what you do is, it’s very important before you do any kind of psychic work or any kind of discernment work and I kind of use those words as if their synonyms. When I’m saying one, I’m meaning other really, truly. So, before you discern, before you look at something psychically, which by the way, everybody does all the time. Psychic ability is an inherent gift, not even a gift really. It’s kind of an ordinary thing to me and everybody has it. Everybody is psychic. Everybody discerns and discerns their environment, whether or not you practice at it and that’s where you want to see where you’re at with your practice and your mindfulness. Not really if you’re psychic or not.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Just get over, if you’re hearing my voice now, you’re a psychic, get over it. [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing] I believe you said to me many years ago, “Erica, you’re not special just because your psychic.”

Colette Chase: You got blue eyes, you got blond hair, you got psychic vision, who cares!

Erica Eriksdotter: Who cares!

Colette Chase: Alright. Okay, so this is another one of those things. We’re going to do inner knowing. Scales is a part of inner knowing. It’s called clairsentience and it’s a little piece and you’re going to like it.

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: You get so bossy sometimes.

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: So, we’re starting off with ground, source, center, correct.

Colette Chase: Yes, ground, source, center. Okay, so when you start off you must be connected to your divinity like you said. The divine that is the ground, the divine that is the physical. You do have a physical body. You do have psychical reality so you must be grounded there. You must have a connection there. So, imagine that your energy starts above your head, okay? Maybe it’s like this column of light and some of you are going to start off like pencil thin. It’s a small little beam and it comes down through your entire body. It splits off down your legs, it goes out your feet. It reconnects again underneath your feet and this column goes directly to the center of the earth, faster than the speed of light and it anchors there. Your intention is that you’re anchoring there. This is what people miss generally. They don’t anchor and so they think they’re grounding, but it’s really superficial. So, when your anchoring at the center of the earth, your intention is, I’m not going anywhere. I like being physical, I’m having this connection with the physical. I am greeting the divinity that is physicality and I am being a part of that. I AM physical. I AM the divinity that is grounded. When you are anchored there then you choose to get wide. What I mean by that, is that little column of light is going to expand to the width of your body while you’re anchored and you take a breath. Then it expands again to the width of the home that you’re living it and you take a breath. Then it expands again, you know, to the city block you live on. Then, you know, a few city blocks and then your neighborhood and then maybe as large as the city itself. But, you’re going to feel a point where you can try and get as large as you can to that point where it’s a little uncomfortable and then bring it in just a tad. And, that point is going to be your minimum ground that you should use to create anything. To discern anything. And, you’re going to notice a big, huge difference just by doing this particular technique. Most people have a hard time connecting to the physical because it’s tough. It’s tough to be here a lot of times. Sometimes people are in pain. Sometimes they don’t feel safe in the physical. So, if you try to connect to this part of self that is physical and divine, you’ll have an easier time of it, being physical. You can’t create anything in the physical unless you are here being physical. So, if you have issues with, you know, manifesting accurately, then get more physical and get wide and get anchored.

Then, after you do that, you flip it in reverse. So, you start underneath your feet a couple of feet beneath your feet. That calm of light splits off up the legs. It melds again into the center of your body. It goes up through the top of your head and then this time it connects to the divinity that is your source. And, like we’ve said in other podcasts, you know, some people aren’t about God or that word. Some people have a name for God that isn’t God. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Radha. Some people say the universe, some people have a higher self, some people do the central sun. Whatever that source is for you, that is grander than you, then you have that connection there and you anchor to that. That which is your connection to Divinity that is the source of you. And, anchor there and then what you do is you take a breath and you widen that diameter out, that column of light. You widen that to match your ground. You can do that slowly if you wish, whatever’s more comfortable for you. You expand your column of light to the width of your body, to the width of the house, the city block, the neighborhood, etc. etc. Until your width of your source matches the width of you ground and then you breathe. Most people have an easier time connecting to source because that’s your natural state. Your natural state is spirit, is you being spirit. So, most people do not have an issue with that. And, then what you do is you find your center between those two states of self. You find the divine center. Sometimes, I’ll actually try to find a physical center within my body which is right, kind of like 2 inches below my navel, in that area right there. Sometimes, if I’m sitting or standing, I will actually lean to the right and then lean to the left, lean forward, lean back and I will come physically to a center point and that helps me find my center between heaven and earth. Between the divine that is the source and the divine that is the ground and I anchor there. So, we have ground, source, center. And, then as an extra, what I do is I do this thing that I call sphering. Sphering to me is aligning your subtle bodies and the subtle bodies is a whole class so don’t ask me what those are. [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: So, what you do is, I imagine or I intend that my subtle bodies are in the shape of spheres and they exist like nesting dolls, one outside the other, outside the other, outside the other and they go out infinitely from me. So, when I sphere all these spheres turn and align for what it is that you are doing in the moment. So, right now we are sphering to learn a technique. Where, now we’re sphering for discernment. If I go drive, I ground, source, center, sphere for driving. When I go to teach, I do ground, source, center, sphere for teaching, etc. etc. So, that’s the first part of discernment is make sure that you are grounded, sourced, centered, sphered. You want to have a big connection to source, a big connection to physical and be centered between those two things. The other thing is to find present time. I think we mentioned that too, right, in the time travel piece?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep, we did.

  1. [00:13:29] Find Present Time

Colette Chase: So, I’m just going to use the I AM. I AM HERE, I AM NOW, I AM PRESENT and I’m going to squeeze my rootlock, right. I’m squeezing physically my anus, my sex organs and my belly button and I squeeze in and that’s called the rootlock. That helps kind of bring you into your body, bring you into present time while I’m saying, I AM HERE, I AM NOW, I AM PRESENT. This little foundational thing that we did Erica…

Erica Eriksdotter: It’s major..

Colette Chase: It seems like this small, little you know, do dad thing. We’re like going, okay hurry up, hurry up and get to scales.

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: But, if you do this part and you make this a practice, this will change you. You know? It’s like if you’ve ever practiced a musical instrument and you know there is foundational stuff that you do all the time. Like, even, musicians that are playing for like 20 years, they still do études and scales and they do their foundational practice all the time, still because that foundation is what helps you do different things. So, that’s a huge foundational piece just to be connected to your divine self and to be in present time.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, we did it before we started the recording, for example. I do it a couple of times, if not more a day. I’m sure Colette, you do it as well when you feel like it’s needed. It’s a good exercise to do for anyone. In the workshops, it’s a guided meditation so you spend a good amount of time on it and if people are having trouble with connecting to ground or to the source then you are guiding them, helping them through that as well. So, it’s a very hands on.

Colette Chase: That’s right. Then, once you take the scenic the route, which is what I call it, like what we did. We are all imagining the little columns starting all skinny and then it got fatter.

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: We went through this whole thing and then we paused here and paused there. Once you get it into practice, then all you have to say is ground, source, center, sphere and make sure that you’re wide. As wide as you can be and then it just happens like that. So, it doesn’t have to be this long drawn out meditative process.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, that should be said too. It can be done either way. As a meditation or as a quick alignment before you need to be doing something.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: Okay, so that being said, let’s talk about scales, shall we?

  1. [00:16:30] What are the Scales and how do we learn how to discern with them?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yes, ma’am.

Colette Chase: Okay. So, you know, a lot of people want to know when they come to me for questions, when they come to me with life purpose questions or health questions or questions about anything really. Their careers, their relationships, they ask me these questions and then I come up with these answers. And, I’m thinking to myself, why aren’t you asking these questions of yourself? Why aren’t you checking these first before you ask me? I don’t mind doing these readings for people and at the same time I really want people to be empowered to do this for themselves. Now, that being said, it’s more difficult to read for yourself…

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: than it is for other people.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: Wouldn’t you say, Erica? [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing] I have been so dead wrong. You know, Colette, just recently I was like, ‘I was 100% sure’ and then I was so wrong. It’s really difficult to read for yourself.

Colette Chase: It is. Because, if you think about yourself as a multi-dimensional being, right? Existing in all different, past, present and future. Existing in, having a shadow side who knows everything you do. Then, having an invested interest in whatever it is you’re asking about. You know half the time you’re asking, you want it to be a certain answer.

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing] Yes!

Colette Chase: You know? Okay, please tell me it’s yes! Please tell me it’s yes.  You know! You just want it to be yes so bad, you’re not going to hear that no, no matter how many times you ask it.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: So, all that comes into play. So, that being said, you know, we’re still going to do this. [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: And, we’re going to just know that. Just know that it’s harder to do yourself than other people.

Erica Eriksdotter: I’ll have to say that I use the scales very frequently and I they help me on a day to day basis and then when I have the larger questions that I am very much invested in, I actually do go to you or Cherie Young to kind of get that second person because I know that have so much invested in the answer that I can’t see it straight.

Colette Chase: Yeah, and there’s nothing wrong with going to get a second opinion.

Erica Eriksdotter: Nope.

Colette Chase: Because, that’s what we are here to do. We’re to be a community and we’re here to help each other out. Whatever it is that you hear from another person though, I would expect that you would check against your scales, how much is true.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: That’s one of the things that I do use the scales for is to see on a scale from 1 – 10 how much things are true. And, when I say true, I mean true with a capital ‘T’. I don’t mean true with a small ‘t’ and there’s a difference.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, okay so explain the difference.

  1. [00:19:44] True with a Capital T or small t

Colette Chase: So, for instance if I believe all men are pigs, then that’s true for me. Because I believe it and I’m creating that.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Is it a truth with a capital ‘T’, that’s my reality, but in actuality are all men pigs? No.

Erica Eriksdotter: No.

Colette Chase: Okay? So, therein lies the difference. That’s the difference between reality and actuality. So, when I’m divining for the truth, I mean the capital ‘T’. So, again, intention overrides technique in a lot of this kind of study.

Erica Eriksdotter: You also mentioned that it might be worth just have a little parentheses here. You mentioned that check with your self too. It might not be, check against your own scales, it might not be your truth.

Colette Chase: That’s right.

Erica Eriksdotter: You mentioned before that just because somebody is a healer doesn’t mean that it’s your healer. So, even finding a healer and going to a healer to get the answers to scales and the answers to your questions, you also have to have the discernment of picking your own healer.

Colette Chase: Yeah, you might want to check your scales on a scale from 1 – 10, is this healer for my best good?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, let’s talk about what I mean by that. So, your inner knowing, if it’s physical and it’s in the body somewhere, it would be more like your third chakra. For those of you who know what a chakra is, it’s that power center that’s right above your belly button and right below your rib cage. So, it’s kind of like right around the tummy area and that point of power, that is your inner knowing and that is where you want to put your consciousness when you’re doing inner knowing, when you’re doing scales. This is kind of a weird thing to do to because most of us Western thinkers we value logic and we value the thinking mind. So, to put our consciousness to our gut and to allow our gut to tell us things, that’s a weird thing. What I generally do, I kind of tell that raising brain of mine, that Western brain, that logical part of me, I kind of ask it to go sit on a chair over there and be patient, right? While I’m putting my consciousness to this area of my body around that third chakra around your tummy and I’m going to glean the answer from that point of power. Now, I’m kind of talking as if it’s a separate thing, you know? Your mind and your emotions and your spiritual body and your physical body, I’m kind of talking to you as if their separate because I’m trying to teach, but they really aren’t separate, right? They exist synergestically with each other so that’s an [inaudible] thing, but just bear with me. So, once you do that, and you put your awareness at that point and you start creating a scale then your going to move into a place where your not really thinking about the answer. As soon as you catch yourself thinking about the answer, you know you’ve lost your alignment. Because inner knowing is very quick. It’s a part of your discernment that you get the answer right away. There’s no thinking, there’s no hesitation, it’s just all of a sudden you know what the number is. All of a sudden you can see, you get what the number is on your scale. What I mean by scales is, I usually say a scale from 1 – 10. I know scales usually start at zero but spirit has a hard time with zero. So, my scales generally start at 1, 1 – 10. 1 meaning 10% or less and then 10 meaning 100%. So, that’s kind of what my scale looks like. So, if I get a 5, then it’s 50%. Does that make sense?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Okay. So, anytime I’m not making sense, Erica, let me know and chime in.

Erica Eriksdotter: I will let you know.

Colette Chase: [laughing] So, that’s what my scale looks like in my mind’s eye. And, then what I do is I label the scale what it is I’m checking. So, for instance, I think before I was telling you that if I was checking my likability scale.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm. With yum-yum James Bond?

Colette Chase: That’s oooohhhh. I remember that.

Erica Eriksdotter: Hee hee.

Colette Chase: So, if I’m checking a movie or a book or something small, then I’m using my likability scale. How much am I going to like this on a scale from 1 – 10? If I am asking more about, ‘Hey, I’m looking at changing my job.’ I’m looking at this new job, then I’m going to name my scale something different. Right? And, you can imagine if you are trying to make that decision and going into a new line of work, there’s a bunch of core questions you could ask. So, you’re going to have a bunch of scales, if you really want to discern.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, yeah.

Colette Chase: For instance, I’m not going to go through all of them but for a job, you want to have at least 4 scales that you’re looking at. You’re going to want to ask a physical scale or how much is this going to feed me psychically, this job? Okay? What that means is how much is the pay going to be? How far is it from my house that I have to drive? How long will I be in traffic?  The physical aspects of the job. Can I do this job, physically capable of doing this job? How is this going to affect my physically? Then, I say, on a scale from 1 – 10, how much is this new job going to feed me physically. If I get a 7, then it’s going to feed me up to 70%. Some people go like this. Oh, 7’s not too high. It’s got to be a 9 or a 10. First thing you need to know is a lot of things don’t go to 10. A lot of things will never be a 10.

  1. [00:27:04] The Numbers and The Different Scales

Erica Eriksdotter: I barely ever get a 10.

Colette Chase: I hardly ever get a 10 either because a 10 is perfection.

Erica Eriksdotter: I barely get a 9 to be honest.

Colette Chase: Yeah, some things just don’t go up that high. So, my general rule of thumb is, if it’s 6 or higher, I consider it.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: If it’s lower than a 6, that’s not going to be good enough for me. So, that’s kind of how I teach it. If it’s in the 8, 9, 10 range, it’s really, really good. If it’s in the 7 range, it’s good.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: It’s average. It’s a C.  It’s better than a 6. If I’m considering it at a 6 and it jumps up to a 7 that’s good.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, if I’m looking for instance if this new job feeds me at a 7, then I know I’m going to be able to make a living from it. Right?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep. So, that’s the first scale.

Colette Chase: That’s the first scale. The second scale in a job that I would look at, okay, how does it feed me emotionally? Am I happy there? Do I get along with my employees, my fellow employees and my boss? Is it harmonious at this job? I ask the scales, ‘Hey, on a scale from 1 – 10 how much does this feed me emotionally?’ When I get the answer from these scales, Erica, it’s immediate. Okay?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, when you start labeling your scales and you start asking and your consciousness is at your third chakra, you will get the answer instantaneously. You don’t know why you’re getting the answer. You don’t know how you should know that answer. Because, you’ve never worked a day in your life at this job, right? All you have is the job description, maybe an interview under your belt. You don’t know everybody that works there.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, don’t try and make sense of it with your logical mind, it’s not going to be logical that you know the answer. But, here’s the thing, do you, as the divine who’s connected to source, and the divine who is connected to the earth itself, know everything about this job?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: According to these scales? Yes, you do. Okay? You can get a reading from that. Because, nothing we have here is new. Nothing that we’ve created here as humans is a new thing, is a new idea. It’s all been done before, okay? So, relax on that. If you start getting mental, if you start going ‘Well, I didn’t get a number or I don’t know, a friend told me they didn’t have a good time at this job and so, I know it can’t be an 8 for me.’ You start talking to yourself like that, then you’ve got to stop. Because, that’s that thinking thing that doesn’t go in alignment with psychic ability. Do you do that a lot, sometimes, Erica?

Erica Eriksdotter: I think a lot, all the time.

Colette Chase: Yeah, Yeah. If you are like me who likes a lot of control…

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: I will over analyze something a lot. So sometimes I just kind of have to get out of that and just check my scale.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Because, otherwise, I’ll just drive myself crazy with that. If I’m looking at the job again, going back to the scales, the other thing…

Erica Eriksdotter: Actually, saying repeatedly asking the same f-ing question.

Colette Chase: Yeah. A lot of time people will get the answer. Ok, this job will feed me at a 7 physically and ok and then it will feed me at an 8 emotionally. Now are your sure physically? Let’s go back, and we’ll go back and we do this. My suggestion is that you get 3 shots of asking that one question and you’ve got to stop.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, 3 shots? That’s actually generous. [laughing]

Colette Chase: Yeah, I feel…3 is a magical number. Three wishes, Three wisemen, uh, you know, three points to a trinity.

Erica Eriksdotter: Three strikes, you’re out.

Colette Chase: Three strikes you’re out. Everybody knows the three. Okay, everybody’s got that part. So, you get three chances to ask your scales something, that’s it.

Erica Eriksdotter: The same thing…

Colette Chase: Yeah.  The other one I would ask is, how much is this going to feed me mentally, this job. If we are looking at the specific thing, asking questions about that. A mental feeding is how much does it entertain me. How much is it going to challenge me as if I’m learning something new. I’ve got to figure this puzzle out. I’ve got to figure out how the cogs work, right? I get all excited about that. That’s your mental body and how much that’s going to feed you there and you’re going to check your scales for the new job on that. Let’s say, I get a four on that one.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmmm..

Colette Chase: Oh, this job looks great. It feeds me seven physically, it feeds me eight emotionally, oohhh, four mentally. Mmm, that’s really low. Then you have to decide, okay, if you are going to be bored on this job, right? Is that a deal breaker for you? I know some people who go, hey as long as I’m getting paid and as long as I’m happy, I’m good.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Some people will get a four in that mental body one and they’re fine. Now, me, if I was that bored…

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, I would go bonkers.

Colette Chase: Oh, I’d go bonkers. But, that’s not everybody. Everybody’s not me.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmmm.

Colette Chase: Some people, if they get really high marks mentally and emotionally, they could take a hit on the physical, like it doesn’t have to pay as much.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Because they’re getting fed

Erica Eriksdotter: A little bit of a pay cut.

Colette Chase: Or maybe you have to drive a long way. But, hey it makes them happy and it’s entertaining and it’s challenging.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, I don’t mind driving all that way. This is kind of how you’re interpreting what you’re getting when you these numbers on these scales. Then, the last one I ask is, ‘How much am I being fed spiritually?’ Your spiritual feeding is about your service. Do you feel like you’re giving back? Do you feel like it’s helping globally? Do you feel like your growing spiritually in this job? That you’re going to learn new things about yourself that advance you spiritually. Do you feel like a connectedness? If you’re looking at the scales and you get a six for this job, so now you have seven physical, eight emotional, four mental, six spiritual. Again, if you’re a person who wants a career, then the spiritual scale has to be higher because careers are about…You know, when people go when you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work…

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: And you can do it without getting paid. I don’t know about what the all without getting paid part because I like to get paid.

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: [laughing] But, yeah, you know if you’re looking for a career rather than a job, then it has to be high on the spiritual scale. So, a six would be like, hmmmm,

Erica Eriksdotter: Borderline.

Colette Chase: Borderline. Maybe this is like a stepping stone job, right? Maybe this is like to get you out of trouble or getting you where you want to go. Maybe this is something you do in the interim until you can get a different job, that type of thing, or get a career. If you just want a job, that six in the spiritual service part then that’s doable.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: If you are looking for a job versus a career. So, that’s kind of something that I kind of teach, that I do in the lecture part and then when I go to teach it, it looks a little different. So, you want to do that part with me, Erica?

Erica Eriksdotter: I do. You’re talking about new job, but this is fantastic to measure how you are doing at your current job.

Colette Chase: Well, yes. I’m giving you four great scales to use on a lot of different things.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: I want to look at my marriage. How much is my marriage feeding me physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually? I want to look at my career or my job and we just did that. I want to look at my health, right? What I’m doing for my health. How much am I feeding myself physically? How much am I paying attention to my health physically?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmmm

Colette Chase: How much am I paying attention to my health emotionally? So, that’s a good gauge. Those four things are good to ask about a lot of different things. Those four scales.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yes, so let’s get into it.

  1. [00:37:33] Discernment Exercise – Scales

Colette Chase: Okay. So, let’s say you’re someone who wants to learn how to do scales, Erica.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: And, maybe you have some kind of benign question we can mess around with. Something that’s, since this is a public forum, maybe some question that’s not personal, but something that we can talk about in a public forum. Do you have something like that?

Erica Eriksdotter: Hmmmm.  [silence]

Colette Chase: And, by the way, see this long pause?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Don’t edit it out!

Erica Eriksdotter: Really?

Colette Chase: Yeah, because this..

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh man, you were reading my mind.

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: I was like, I’m going to edit this part out.

Colette Chase: [laughing] No, because, this is what happens with people. Because, remember, first of all your asking about yourself. So, even asking questions of the self and coming up with questions for self is difficult.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, I have a good one then.

Colette Chase: Okay.

Erica Eriksdotter: I have been feeling a little guilty about going away from my fantastic Paleo and healthy, holistic way of eating recently.

Colette Chase: Mmm, hmm.

Erica Eriksdotter: We just had a wonderful snowstorm here on the East Coast, in the US, and I made some brownies and I had some doughnuts.

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: I usually don’t do those things, but I was like, it’s a snowstorm. So, anyways, across the board over the last month or something like that, I want to just check in if I am feeding myself. The food I’m putting in, if I’m feeding myself correctly.

Colette Chase: Okay, so what I’m hearing for you, because this is what separates a quote unquote good psychic from a fair psychic.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: And, that’s the ability to ask the question in a way that’s not wishy washy, right? Because if you ask wishy washy questions you’re going to get wishy washy answers.

Erica Eriksdotter: Absolutely.

Colette Chase: So, let me just say back to you what I think you said. Okay. You want to measure a month’s worth of eating. Yes, or no?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yes.

Colette Chase: Okay, because you said in the last month.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: It is good to put a time frame on some of your questions. Okay? So, let’s just measure that last month of January.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Right.

Erica Eriksdotter: 2016.

Colette Chase: 2016. In present time. You want to know what about the eating exactly?

Erica Eriksdotter: If it is feeding me physically.

Colette Chase: How much is emotional feeding? How much of your diet is mental feeding? That way?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah. I think that’s what I want to understand if I’m actually listening to what my body is needing or if I’m eating because I am stressed or then grabbing for the calories.

Colette Chase: Okay. So, get grounded, sourced, centered, sphered. Set your agenda over there, set your mental body over there, the one that’s thinking, thinking, thinking. Alright. On a scale from 1 – 10, Erica, and then you’re going to get an answer and then I’m going to check my scales. By the way, when you’re comparing each other’s scales, if you’re doing this with a friend or a partner, just know that your 10, the value of your 10 might be different than the value of the other person’s 10. What I think is a 10, Erica, you might think is a 9.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Or vice-versa. Your 10 might be my 7.

Erica Eriksdotter: You and I are typically one number off.

Colette Chase: You and I are typically one number off.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yep.

Colette Chase: You have to know that. Not everybody’s 10, the value of it, is the same. Alright, so on a scale from 1 – 10 and we’re going to say 10 is leaning towards the positive 100% that sort of side.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: 1 is the negative..

Erica Eriksdotter: Not good.

Colette Chase: Lower side, okay? How much of your diet in January has been the best for you physically? Should we say that?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, I’m already getting a number.

Colette Chase: Okay, best for you physically. Okay, I’ve got a number, too.

Erica Eriksdotter: I got, I’m in between

Colette Chase: I got a…ready, 1, 2, 3

Erica Eriksdotter:  [in unison with Colette Chase] SEVEN!!

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: I was getting between 7 and 8 but I was leaning towards the lower one. Okay, 7. Okay, so not bad.

Colette Chase: So, we’re both kind of, so not bad. So, just know that if you, what that means is if you thought Paleo…

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: In your mind was going to be a 9 for you…

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: And, some magical thing for you, it’s not. Okay? So, that’s what I’m getting there.

Erica Eriksdotter: Interesting.

Colette Chase: Right, because a lot of people go, Oh, I’m going to read all about Paleo and gosh it sounds really good and gosh it’s got a lot of stuff behind it and all these testimonials and maybe a study or two. But, that doesn’t mean it means it’s best for you. That’s what discernment is.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm. I think I was going into the not the full Paleo but actually the hard core Whole30 Paleo which is no sugar. It’s like really strict and I was debating if I should do that for February. But, that felt very desert-like to me.

Colette Chase: Well, let’s check. Well, felt like so now your talking about emotions.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: So, let’s just jump to that right away, okay? So, let’s try on February, that Paleo diet you just said.

Erica Eriksdotter: Whole30.

Colette Chase: Scale of 1 – 10, how much is that going to feed you emotionally? Okay, let’s do the rock, paper, scissor where we say 1, 2, 3 and say the number.

Erica Eriksdotter: Okay.

Colette Chase: If you go I said this, and then I go I said this, people are going to go, Ohhh… [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: Alright, 1, 2, 3 – two

Colette Chase: Four!

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: Really? You got a 4? I got a 2.

Colette Chase: That’s okay, we’re still in the same ballpark.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, I was lower end.

Colette Chase: You’re 20% at reading yourself. 20% you’re going to be not happy with this.

Colette Chase: Me, reading for you who doesn’t have any investment in it at all still only gets a 4!

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, so actually eating a brownie or two gets me at 7.

Colette Chase: Yeah!

Erica Eriksdotter: That was at a physical though.  Have I been eating emotionally in January?

Colette Chase: Okay, just to recap. That last one was an emotional, how you’re going to emotionally feel being on that diet in February. That was an emotional scale.

Erica Eriksdotter: You’re right.

Colette Chase: Okay. Now, if you want to go back to…what was your question now?

Erica Eriksdotter: If I have emotionally fed, huuuh, what do you call it?

Colette Chase: Emotional?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, emotional eating, that’s what it’s called.

Colette Chase: Okay, so now we’re changing our scale. Forget physical, emotional, mental spiritual – forget those that we we’re training on. Now we’re going to name our scale emotional eating. Okay?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, Erica, on a scale from 1 – 10, through January, in general, how much emotional eating did you do on scale from 1 – 10?

Erica Eriksdotter: Okay, want to do 1,2,3?

Colette Chase: Yep.

Erica Eriksdotter: 1,2,3 – 3!

Colette Chase: Six! [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: Ohhhhhhh

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: Darn.

Colette Chase: So…

Erica Eriksdotter: Was I filtering myself?

Colette Chase: Here’s the thing what I do with my students. If we’re off by 2 or 3, I’m not really that concerned. But, remember your reading for yourself and I’m looking at you with no investment.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: The thing is that we can both be right.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, because your 6 might be my 3.

Colette Chase: Right. But, if we’re one apart, let’s say we’re one apart and take the average…

Erica Eriksdotter: That’s two apart.

Colette Chase: Then two apart, I would probably say that your probably emotionally eating more than you think.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: But, the thing is this, if you have judgement that your emotionally eating, if you have judgement on it as if it’s wrong then your scale is going to reflect that.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oh, I totally have judgement on it.

Colette Chase: Right. So, if you have judgement on certain things and your reading for yourself you can almost guarantee that you’re at the beginning of doing this, you’re not going to be as accurate.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Know that, but still practice. You see what I’m saying?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: When you are doing your discernment and even though you are kind of off, it’s okay that your kind of off because that’s normal. I bet you if you went back without me, if you went back and asked those two other magical times, you’d probably get different numbers.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: So, know if you have judgement on something, not so accurate.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, I totally have judgement on that, like the guilt.

Colette Chase: Exactly.

Erica Eriksdotter: Absolutely.

Colette Chase: So, but the thing is, even if you were emotionally eating at a 6, we can check the scales on how much that, let’s check it.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: So, that 6, emotionally eating at a 6, how much physically was it unhealthy for you, on a scale from 1 – 10?

Erica Eriksdotter: Okay, I have a number.

Colette Chase: Okay, I have a number too.

Erica Eriksdotter: Okay, 1, 2, 3. – 3!

Colette Chase: 4!

Erica Eriksdotter: Okay, I got a 3 and 4.

Colette Chase: Now, we’re more accurate.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: You don’t have judgement on this question.

Erica Eriksdotter: I don’t.

Colette Chase: You don’t have judgement. You had judgement on the last question, you don’t have judgement on this question and it answered the other question of if you should feel guilty about it or not.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, and it seems like I don’t have to feel guilty about it.

Colette Chase: No. Because, it’s at a 3 or 4 as far as it being unhealthy for you. So, stop, be gentle. Be gentle on Erica.

Erica Eriksdotter: I will.

Colette Chase: She deserves a doughnut!

Erica Eriksdotter: YES!

Colette Chase: [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: So, I don’t have to feel guilty about the Twix I had earlier today either? [laughing]

Colette Chase: [laughing] You could check your scales, but I would say no! [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing]

Colette Chase: So, that’s actually a perfect thing that you demonstrated there. It has a lot of different things that people will do when their checking their scales and stuff.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah, that is amazing. It’s been a while since you and I were that many separated by two numbers like that. That’s so fascinating how your own judgement and your own guilt can cloud it like that.

Colette Chase: Oh, absolutely. That brings me to my point is if you’re in that state of judgement or fear or if you don’t feel good that day or if you’re depressed about something, if you’re really anxious, how accurate are you going to be? I’m saying to the audience, be gentle, gentle, gentle on yourself. I even do this to myself. After the fact that I’m doing hindsight 20/20, oh, how come I didn’t see that coming and how come blah, blah, blah and most of the time I look back and I go, I was anxious, I was hungry, I was scared, I was tired. [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: Nobody’s going to be accurate when they’re those things.

Erica Eriksdotter: I think I’ve texted you and been like it’s not working. You’re like, did you have any water today whatsoever? Hydrate yourself.

Colette Chase: Are you hydrated? Because spiritual work takes a lot of the water out of your body because water is a conductor. So, it’s important to be hydrated if you’re going to do psychic work for sure. Hey, what if you’re out of present time? If you’re out of present time, how accurate are you going to be on any of this stuff?

Erica Eriksdotter: Not at all.

Colette Chase: No. I know people who do their scales and I’m looking at them and I go why are they so off for me. Then I look at them and I go, oh my god, their measuring from the past.

Erica Eriksdotter: So, if you find yourself as one of these people, if your listening to this podcast and your trying out the scales and you’re doing the thing that we all do in the beginning, which is you do the scales and then your like, how do I know if these are accurate? How do I know if I am not in present time? How do I know if I have judgement on this? How do I know if these scales are right for me? What do you do?

Colette Chase: Ask about mundane things that don’t matter, that the answer doesn’t matter and you can check against that. Remember that one podcast where I said I was a tomaton at this one point, I was like a workaholic and I was getting up every day…

Erica Eriksdotter: Yes.

Colette Chase: Coffee, toast, coffee, toast, coffee, toast.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yes, it’s about listening to your body.

Colette Chase: Right, okay well, if I’m going to trust this, then what would my body like to have and it said orange juice. Then I tasted the orange juice and then it was the best orange juice I ever had. Even though my mind was saying, I hate orange juice, I don’t know why you want orange juice. Orange juice sucks. It’s like that. It’s like you’re going to choose something mundane where the answer doesn’t matter and you’ll glean the truth from it. Go into the grocery store and picking your groceries out this way with scales is great. It’s great to do as practice, especially in the beginning.

Erica Eriksdotter: Real quick, how would you pick out the cereal?

Colette Chase: Cereal. Okay, you were raised with Shredded Wheat. Your mom told you Shredded Wheat was the best cereal ever. You’ve eaten Shredded Wheat your whole life because your mom said. It says on the box it’s good for you so you’re eating it. So every time you go to the store, you buy the box of Shredded Wheat…

Erica Eriksdotter: Without thinking.

Colette Chase: Without thinking, because it makes you feel good and so you know. Well, here’s the thing. If you want to check your discernment and you look at that box of cereal and say what’s the best for me this week? This week, my box of cereal that I’m going to choose and all of a sudden you get a 4 on Shredded Wheat and your like, okay it must be granola and you get a 3 on granola. You look over here, it’s got to be Cheerios with nothing on it and it’s a 2. And, your like, I don’t get it all these great cereals are below a 6 and all of a sudden you look at that box of Lucky Charms and you get an 8.

Erica Eriksdotter: Ohhh whhhooooo!

Colette Chase: Mom told you, it’s got sugar. It’s got those marshmallow things in it, it’s not good. Whatever. Or, your saying that, I’m Paleo.

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah [laughing]

Colette Chase: I’m totally teasing you. You don’t know what’s in that Lucky Charms energetically. Maybe you just need some fun at breakfast.

Erica Eriksdotter: Oooh, fun at breakfast. Or color at breakfast.

Colette Chase: Maybe you need some color at breakfast. Maybe you just need to get out of your rut at breakfast because that’s your best good and it’s only for that box of cereal. Maybe it’s only for that week. When you’re done, you’re done. Don’t be so tight, don’t be so rigid.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: That’s how I would start.

Erica Eriksdotter: Excellent.

Colette Chase: Do your scales on the mundane things that you don’t have a lot of judgement on and practice that way. And then…

Erica Eriksdotter: Practice, practice, practice.

  1. [00:55:39] Just because you know an answer doesn’t mean you should go say it

Colette Chase: The other thing is this, please do not go out and start asking questions about other people and then go up to them and say, well, I just got a 7 on that and so you definitely should go date that guy or whatever it is. [laughing] Just because you know an answer doesn’t mean you should go say it.

Erica Eriksdotter: I think it’s one of the best advice.

Colette Chase: You know, people get a hold of this thing like it’s a new toy and the mind love it. It plays with it, plays with it, plays with it. Remember, you have responsibility on what it is you that you say to other people. If you create a stir with someone, you are responsible for that stirring. Okay? If someone’s telling you something, people come up to me all the time and they say, ‘Hey, let me tell about this brand new thing.’ Then they start talking to me about it and their really excited and I’m listening to it and I’m like that’s 4 for me, that’s a 3 me for me. That’s not the truth for me. In fact, their trying to tell me that’s true but, I’m only getting a that’s true for me at a 5. Not every time do I say, ‘Well, that’s not true for me. I only get a 5, you are totally wrong!’ Sometimes, you just keep that to yourself. You let that person say what it is their truth is and you know that your truth isn’t that thing, what they’re telling you. You don’t have to be right and make the other person wrong. Do you get what I’m saying?

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: Especially if it’s exciting and the answer doesn’t really matter. It doesn’t matter if their wrong. It’s true for them, it’s okay, just let them do it. If their telling you something, and their trying to tell you that your wrong and their saying, ‘Well, hey you do this, this and this and I don’t like it and blah, blah, blah.’ While they’re telling you that, you’re saying, well, how true is that? Do I do that? On a scale from 1 – 10, how much do I do that? Because, that’s what I usually do. If someone’s giving me criticism, instead of me being defensive right away and me saying, ‘Oh, I never do that.’ I’ll say, okay, they’re giving me some kind of feedback and I say, okay, let’s say I do that. The minute I that stance, I’m poised with that, okay, maybe it could be true. Then there’s no fight, right? Okay. That kind of opens you up for a different possibility. Then I say, ‘Ok. But how much do I do that on a scale from 1 – 10?’ This person is reacting like I do this at an 8. I do this 80% of the time because they are really upset with me. But, when I look at it, I only do it at a 4, right? So, they shouldn’t be that upset with about that.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmmm

Colette Chase: Then that way, I don’t own what they are telling me at an 8. Do you understand what I’m saying?

Erica Eriksdotter: Yeah.

Colette Chase: Because people will do this all the time. They are getting criticism and they know that they’re probably doing this, but their accepting what that person as the truth and then they start feeling really bad.

Erica Eriksdotter: Mmm, hmm.

Colette Chase: That’s a really good part of discernment that I use if I’m getting information about myself or if someone’s gossiping to me about another person, I’m not going to sit there and go, ‘Oh, well that’s totally true’ because this person is a friend of mine. I’m going to say, ‘How much is what she’s saying true?’ So, the scales are really important that way so you don’t take on what’s not yours. You don’t have to listen to what’s not true.

Erica Eriksdotter: So, we’ve actually reached an hour Colette.

Colette Chase: Oh my gosh!

Erica Eriksdotter: I believe, missy, you said a week or so ago…

Colette Chase: I don’t

Erica Eriksdotter: You said, we could totally this like 30 minutes or less, maybe even 20 minutes. But, I think it’s all fantastic information and before we wrap up do you have anything that you want to touch on again, or are you happy with what we covered? This is why the workshops are so phenomenal because we go in-depth sessions where we talk about the scales for a couple of hours and then we put them to practice throughout the workshop, etc. It is hard to limit it to an hour.

Colette Chase: It is hard. You’re right, you can talk about this on different aspects of life. You can talk about how you would use it in different ways. Your questions are really good and all the students have good question and that leads you off into other areas of how to use it. Which, I love, because the students are who make the class. It’s not really me. It’s whoever shows up. Their really designing it. Because it’s what they want to know, what they need. But, yeah, we’re at an hour, that’s enough of me. [laughing]

Erica Eriksdotter: [laughing] Alright. So, as I mentioned, Colette will be teaching a psychic awareness and opening workshop in Reston, VA, in the United States on March 12 – 13. In addition, there will be profound personal healing sessions on March 14th and 15th that you can have together with Colette and/or together with me and Colette. The personal healing sessions are also available via Skype phone. So if you are not being able to attend in person face to face, we’re more than happy to have the session via Skype. I know Colette does that all over the world, I’ve done it personally as well. You can check out the events section on for more information and how to register.

You can find me, Erica, at and Colette’s at and on Twitter @ChaseinGrace. You can join my email list to stay up to date, you can access it at the bottom of my website. If you kindly would do so, leave the FIKA podcast an iTunes review. You can submit questions in the show notes. There is a little link where you can submit a question form. You can subscribe to stay up to date and not miss an episode, we greatly appreciate it. Thank you so much for listening, everyone and participating in our exercises today, I’m excited to share this information with you and thank you Colette for being brave and for sharing everything that you know.

Colette Chase: Well, and thank you for being so generous with your time. Erica, I really appreciate that.

Erica Eriksdotter: Thank you. Alright, until next time. Bye!

Colette Chase: Bye!









Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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Robert Lindohf
Robert Lindohf
9 years ago

Thanks for yet another great episode with Erica and Colette!