Before we start our 5 Day painting challenge, you may wonder what supplies you may need and how to sketch out our dog before we even get to painting. That’s all gathered on this page.
I also share two lessons I want you to keep in mind during the challenge so you can go into it with confidence and level up as you’re painting.
If you’re ready to purchase your supplies and starts sketching, keep reading!
I remember feeling a bit lost and not knowing where to begin in a sea of art supplies. No matter if you’re a beginner, looking to get back into the swing of things, or just here to paint for fun…
…Here’s the truth: You don’t need a lot to start, but here’s the list of suggested supplies:
– Mars Black
– Burnt Umber
– Titanium White
– Unbleached Titanium
– Raw Sienna
– Red Oxide
– Neutral Gray No. 5
You won’t need a lot of different brushes for this challenge, but a good set will get you far. I recommend this set of 7 from Princeton Select. It includes both my favorite chisel blenders in the right sizes, a brush for your signature and a larger brush for your background.
In this challenge we’ll paint Charlie on an 8×10 canvas like this one for a professional look and feel. If you prefer, you can also paint him using a canvas paper pad too, like this one: 24-page paper pad by Canson.
And a few things you probably have at home already:
– jar for holding your water
– a towel or rag to wipe your brush off after cleaning and protecting your clothes
– pencil and a ruler
Check out My Top-Secret List of Acrylic Art Supplies and see what’s calling your name. That’s what you’re ‘fun money’ is for! While the supplies doesn’t matter for this challenge, the truth is that great tools makes for a more enjoyable experience. What you can’t compromise: your commitment to continue to show up for yourself.
Some of these are affiliated links which means I receive a tiny commission if you purchase supplies through my link, which makes this free challenge possible.
Your next step: sketch
Before we start painting Charlie, we need to transfer his image onto the canvas first. We do that with a grid system on both the canvas and our reference photo.
1. Once you have your canvas, print out the photo of Charlie named “Charlie with Grid” in the scale 8×10 inches (you can also forgo printing it and just look at this photo on your smart device).
2. Measure the photo you just printed to make sure it’s the right scale (8×10 inches).
3. Draw a 1-inch grid on the canvas (see this helpful video for some tips).
4. Draw the main outline and main features onto your canvas (the outline of his body, details of the inside of his ears, the eyes, nose and mouth etc.). You want to include anything and everything that you feel will help you paint him without going too detailed with your sketch.
5. Once you have a rough sketch outlining Charlie on your canvas, you’re ready for Day 1 of the challenge. Keep your eye on your inbox!
Yes, you can paint!
Before we start the 5 Day Pet Portrait Painting Challenge, I want to let you know that I firmly believe everyone can paint.
I hear it all the time “I’m not good at painting” or “I can’t even draw a stick figure”. It’s OK if you’re one of them. I still have moments of doubts early on within my pet portrait process and I’m a professional pet portrait painter! My trick is that I always return to my motto ‘simply start‘.
Everyone can paint. You just need to want to sit down and paint. Since you signed up for this challenge, we both know in our hearts that you do.
During the Painting Challenge, I’ll give you simple guidance each day so you can playfully walk through the steps to whatever a 20-minute finished section will look like for you. Everyone’s sections will look different and that’s OK.
In the beginning, painting requires only some paint and a brush, plus a willingness to do it. I honor your eagerness to experience something new, whether it be deep diving into something you’ve never done before or returning to a painting progress.
Courage over comfort.
In the words of Brené Brown, “you can’t be comfortable and brave at the same time.” It’s natural to feel awkward and uncomfortable when we try something new.
When you bring out your painting tools and start your painting challenge, you may kick up the dust of self-doubt or feel awkward in the way your holding your brush or blending colors.
It’s OK, you’re being brave. You’re showing up for yourself. This doesn’t mean that you can’t paint. It simply means you’re human. All is well.
Keep these things in mind:
1. Your goal is to playfully paint, to find meditative joy, to slow down and find moments of meaning. Leave behind your own expectations of creating something pretty or perfect behind. It will be a dog in the end. Does the dog need to be a masterpiece? No. But if you want to improve further, How to Paint a Dog Portrait online course includes over 30 hours of video lessons.
2. How I do this challenge? I imagine how my 5-year old son would paint each section. It gets me out of my own head and self-judgement.
3. Your intention with this challenge is ‘I am open to painting a dog and tapping into my creative energies’.
4. Get comfortable. I sit cross-legged on my chair in cozy pants. I sometimes light a candle and have cup of tea.
5. Painting a realistic pet portrait is a practice. Any awkwardness you may feel will fade over time as you grow your confidence when you learn the compassionate and intentional practice inside How to Paint a Dog Portrait online course. For now, release whatever comes up and know you can’t fail at this.
Certain sections of our beloved dog may be more challenging or fun to paint. I simply ask that you do your best (whatever your best is for that day) for 20 minutes each day.