Ahhh.. I love this photo, especially little Corinne holding the balloons and looking so adorable. My sister Caroline is expecting her second child (Corinne is her first) and Angelica (our sister, far left) and I hosted her baby shower. Such a great time. Here we are, all the girls in the family. 🙂
I picked up some ice cream for Casey the other day as he’s come down with a cold. Poor guy. He survived on tomato soup and ice cream for a few days. Can you believe they didn’t have my favorite at the store? I never crave ice cream, except their Chocolate Fudge Brownie. I picked up the S’mores instead but wasn’t very happy with it so I’ll leave it to Casey to finish it.
Yay! Another finished commissioned was wrapped up Saturday. It’s so satisfying to do this last step as it means the client is finally getting their painting. I like to provide an overall good experience so I think presentation is key. All paintings come wrapped with a hand picked silk ribbon (I’ve got tons of color options), hand written thank you note and my brochures.
I just had to share this photo even though Halloween was last week and not this past weekend. Our friend’s little baby boy, Andrew, came by to trick or treat at our home on Halloween. We almost missed him because Casey was sick in bed and I literary came home from physical therapy as they walked up to the door. We really need to get better with Halloween so we don’t miss out on cute monkeys next year!