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FIKA PODCAST 013 – Spiritual House Cleansing with Cherie Young


In this episode we are having fika with Cherie Young, a masterful healer and teacher, and talking house cleansing and the importance of cleaning both on a physical and an energetic level. She shares lots of different examples from the little girl with night terror, to the remodeling jobs that were completely trashed and the transformations cleansing has made. Topics About Cherie and that biz card [00:01:51] What is healing and how to pick your healer [00:05:07] What [...]

FIKA PODCAST 013 – Spiritual House Cleansing with Cherie Young2024-08-27T10:14:52-04:00

Fika Podcast Episode 005: Passion, Pottery and Libertytown Arts with DD Lecky


On this episode of the Fika podcast, I talk with DD Lecky about how she managed to hone in on her passion when she had so many interests to distract her from her true path, how she has faced her fears and what it’s really like to quit your day-job and just ‘go for it’ with your creative self. What does she miss from her steady income, and what is it like running a study/art gallery? Topics: Who is [...]

Fika Podcast Episode 005: Passion, Pottery and Libertytown Arts with DD Lecky2024-08-27T10:13:33-04:00

Fika Podcast Episode 002: Art, Motherhood and Small Biz Talk with Michelle Armas


We’re back with another great episode of the FIKA podcast where I’m interviewing Michelle Armas on art, motherhood and her small business. Here are some of the topics we discussed: Michelle shares her artist life and how she left her NYC job to go for it [1:22] The relationship between her art and the customer, and the nerve it takes to showcase your art [9:24] Why is being creative a necessity and advice for the creative one [11:19] [...]

Fika Podcast Episode 002: Art, Motherhood and Small Biz Talk with Michelle Armas2024-08-27T10:13:08-04:00

006 – Art, Motherhood & Small Biz Talk with Michelle Armas Part 2


On this episode we are continuing our fika with Michelle Armas and talk about her creative process and how she’s protecting that creative mind of hers. If you haven’t listen to part 1 yet, I highly recommend it to follow this conversation better. Topics: Recap from Part 1 [0:55] Michelle shares how social media has attributed to her success [2:38] Introvert challenges, being brave and showing your art [7:42] Handling judgement [17:05] You could have done that [19:26] Signing your pieces [...]

006 – Art, Motherhood & Small Biz Talk with Michelle Armas Part 22024-08-27T09:31:12-04:00

Some great artists


Man, there's some good art out there. I always get floored when we're setting up our tent and hanging my art in my booth and I look around at what other people have on display. Dang. People are talented! I could have sat and starred at David Oleski's art or Mark MacKinnon photography all day long. I made friends with some amazing people last year at Arts in the Park and I was happy to see their smiling [...]

Some great artists2024-08-26T16:28:07-04:00

Fika Podcast 012 – Cat and Small Biz Talk with I HAVE CAT


In this episode we are having fika with Tamar Arslanian of the successful cat blog I HAVE CAT. How did it become a success, what opportunities has it led to and what have been the key to success for it? Topics How a passion grew into nearly 100K followers [00:01:28] Social media matters for small businesses [00:13:33] Cats, the gateway animal [00:19:36] Opportunities and name dropping [00:21:03] Cat medical advice [00:26:02] The key to Tamar’s success [00:29:01] Tamar’s [...]

Fika Podcast 012 – Cat and Small Biz Talk with I HAVE CAT2024-08-27T08:17:55-04:00

Exciting News! Ready to start living like you?


Exciting news! www.LiveLikeYou.com launched today!! {Embrace your individuality and celebrate who you are in your home. Start living like you today!} Jill is a wonderful person, truly kind hearted and really funny! She has great passion for helping others be happier in their lives.After 1,5 years and many months of overdue, Jill Sorensen has finally launched Live.Like.You. The site is all about finding your interior design that matches YOUR PERSONALITY and not picking furniture based on a brand [...]

Exciting News! Ready to start living like you?2024-08-26T16:35:48-04:00

From Creativity to Business: 30+ Resources To Manage Your Success


It can be daunting to take the step from painting as a hobby to accepting commissions. Your art is needed and you’ve got more creativity inside you to offer the world. If you’re reading this, I know you’re ready to start and grow your art business, and now you’re probably curious to learn a few resources that will support your expanding creative art business. These are the business tools and other things I couldn’t get through the [...]

From Creativity to Business: 30+ Resources To Manage Your Success2024-09-15T09:56:08-04:00

Fika Podcast Episode 001: Time Traveling with Colette Chase Part 1


Welcome to the first episode of my new podcast, Studio Eriksdotter presents Fika! My first guest is healer Colette Chase, and here are the topics we discussed: What is Fika? [1:00] Colette Chase shares how she became a healer [1:50] Let’s talk Time Traveling [11:34] A quickie on dimensions (past-future-present) [13:49] Are you stuck in the past? [15:25] Hello future! No surprise there. [18:48] How do we know we’re in present time? [23:55] […]

Fika Podcast Episode 001: Time Traveling with Colette Chase Part 12024-08-27T08:18:42-04:00

Fika Podcast Episode 004: Time Traveling with Colette Chase, Part 2


Colette Chase is back for the second part of discussing traveling through the dimensions and how to stay in present time. Catch up on the first episode before you have a listen. Topics: Recap of Part 1 [2:22] Match your pet! [6:05] Not everyone’s present time matches [6:42] Time is relevant [10:20] Don’t get caught in the Mirror of Erised [20:16] Got a haircut that’s 20 years old? Listen up. [21:13] Time Travel exercise [23:18] Show Notes Ruth [...]

Fika Podcast Episode 004: Time Traveling with Colette Chase, Part 22024-08-27T09:30:36-04:00
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