Customer photo! Doesn’t this fun sunflower triptych look awesome in this very stylish livingroom!?

My client sent in a photo of her redesigned living room where her commissioned piece, Sunflower Rising, is front and center. Doesn’t it look sooo good? I shared this photo on instagram recently and everyone loved the yellow and gray combination. Me too! Remember this piece?

I will always have a special place for this piece. I feel like it was one of the things back in spring/summer of 2009 that pushed me into “I’m just going for it” with my art.

This commission came around the same time as another commission (having people want you to paint them pretty paintings is fantastic for your ego!), and I had also just ventured into energy healing and having negative energy removed that was not serving me well and found myself exploding with creative energy (and feeling much more like myself). At the same time, Casey and I were married after many years of dating (and owning a house together etc.), which meant I could own my own business because I got my green card (more on that another day). Then, there was Lola. Our darling kitty came to our house and kinda just pushed her way into the studio to show me how to run things. She has been seen on the blog many times since her first appearance back in July 2009.  So though I have a special place in my heart for all my paintings, this piece is the reminder of how far I’ve come in four short years. 

ps. I always ask for permission to share customer photos. 🙂

Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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