Wow, what a weekend! My house is still a mess and the car is only half way unpacked, but we’re slowly getting back to our daily routine.

The drive from DC to Pittsburgh is really beautiful! You’re driving through mountains covered with luscious green trees. The sun was setting over Pittsburgh when we arrived – a picture perfect postcard to welcome us! I had no idea Pittsburgh was so hilly? How do people drive up and down those streets during the wintertime? Impossible! Anyways, on to 13th Annual Shadyside…The Art Festival on Walnut Street where 150 exhibitors from around the nation had gathered on the popular shopping street.

Up and running! 🙂

I received amazing exposure! Thousands of people saw my booth and several hundred stepped into it to view my art up-close. I was floored how many people stopped to enjoy my art, get a huge smile on their face and then say “happy art,” “amazing,” “I love your art,” or “very different, very nice” etc. It was wonderful! The Large Lion Sun was almost sold during 3 different occasions but I still ended up going home with it. Judging from the show, it’s by far my most popular painting. What a showstopper! It’s just a matter of time before it’s sold. The Sunny Daisy went to a lovely home in Pittsburgh. 🙂

When setting up at 6 am on Saturday, I realized I had forgotten a couple of very important display items – inlcuding my display rack for the paper canvases! It worked out but I did panic for a moment.

We, unfortunately, left our patio chair outside of the tent Saturday night and by Sunday morning it was long gone… lesson learned. At least nothing in my tent was stolen. I’m especially happy to have Casey with me during those moments for support, but also as a resource to go and find me another chair at 7 am on a Sunday! He bought me this amazingly colorful (read: ugly) beach chair which served me well during the next 10 hours. I really need to get that directors chair…

New stationery rack and sign!

All in all – Pittsburgh was a success for me! I met wonderful people, our neighbor Debra Savell Stewart over at gave me some great show tips (after more than 20 years doing shows, she knows a thing or two!), received amazing response on my art and note cards and I sold well.

The next show is on home turf! Can’t wait to see you in Alexandria, Va on Oct. 2!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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