“I was so nervous reliving the loss of BamBam. To the contrary, I was literally lost for words when I picked up his finished portrait. He is beautiful. It’s as if he is present to some extent. His smile is contagious as was his entire personality. I am so glad he is home where he belongs. I thank you so much for your masterful articulate depiction of him. Your guidance through this process has been priceless. I will be forever grateful.” – Robin Colvin of Virginia

Our relationship with our beloved pets can often be described as a soul connection. It’s a relationship based on a deep unspoken understanding and unconditional love. Maybe it’s the only uncomplicated relationship we’ve experienced.

In this blog post I share how I view grieving a pet both from personal experience and as professional pet portrait artist working with grieving pet parents every day and leading them to a place of healing. If you’re currently experiencing grief, click here to get tips on how to move from sadness to joy.

When we lose our pets, we lose a part of ourselves because of our unique experiences we shared with them. It’s no wonder losing a beloved pet can be felt as deeply as losing a human relationship.

Pets are wonderful beings. They are always who they are with us – their authentic self and whole being. When they are no longer here, physically, we deeply miss how they made us feel when they were with us. Our awareness of them, our love for them, our care for them, our companionship etc. was an important part of who we were. Together, we were something unique that neither of us would be without the other.

It comes as no surprise then that losing a beloved pet, no matter how peaceful or traumatic the actual transition was, is heartbreaking.

When interviewed for a Washington Post feature about my pet portraits, Margaret Capurso, a grief counselor at Washington Home and Community Hospices, said the loss of a pet can have the same impact as the death of a human family member. “The loss of a pet is no different from a human loss for many,” she said. “What is unique about our pet relationship versus human ones is that our pets provide us with unconditional love…for some folks, they are the only uncomplicated relationship they have.”

We may never get over losing our pets – it’s been over 25 years since I lost my beloved Lucas and I still find myself crying from missing him sometimes – but we are more than worthy of releasing the heavy grief and any trauma associated with them transitioning. Our pets don’t blame us for transitioning.

“Seeing your painting as it got closer to being finished overwhelmed me with the love and joy he brought my wife and me that we carry with us each day.” – Jon Liney, Pennsylvania, who’s beloved Caesar got him through some rough times.

Lessons from a pet portrait painter on grieving a pet

As a pet portrait painter, I work closely with grieving pet parents every day and feel honored to lead them to a place of healing through my process. Already after booking their commission there’s an inaudible sigh of relief – an inner knowing that they are honoring their pet in this wonderful way and the grief releases its grip a tiny bit more.

When I paint pets, I tap into the nonphysical energy of the pet I’m painting. I’ve specialized in painting pets for over a decade and I’ve been a spiritual teacher for longer. I feel the pets I paint in the studio with me. They are here, guiding me along the way. I tap into them as I paint them and my gift allows me to capture their essence and soul.

Energetically to me, the pets I paint always feel happy, healthy, and whole – and so proud to be honored with a portrait that will lead their pet parent to a place of healing. Our pets want us to be happy. Some pets are bubbling with energy when I tap into them, and others feel more stoic and dignified to be sitting for a portrait.

I’m grateful that my pet portrait clients know that this portrait of their beloved pet, when it hangs in their home, will make it easier for them to reclaim the sense of stability and comfort their pet brought to their life. It awakens the uniqueness that they were together. Viewing it will remind you of their support and unconditional love. While they are no longer in physical form, their nonphysical energy is always available to you – just like they’re in the studio with me guiding me to the portrait that will provide you with the healing and closure that they want you to have.

This is more than a painting in honor of them. This will help you feel the joy that you felt when you were with them in real life. Inching closer to feeling joy rather than tears of sadness will impact your whole life.

“Thank you for your kindness and compassion and for helping me find some peace with this. It is so good to have her home again – thank you with all my heart.💜” Jennifer Don of Virginia, a recent client who lost her beloved cat from a traumatic experience.

Having loved and lost myself, I understand that losing one’s beloved furry companion can bring us to our knees. I’m grateful that my own beloved Lucas helped me evolve and reach a new level of understanding, a new level of empathy. The love I have for him inspired me to start painting pet portraits many years after he had passed away. The impact of their lives on us are forever.

I know your pet has done the same for you, and when you view the painting your pet will be calling you to further reach for that new level of understanding and empathy and you’re going to soar like you’ve never soared before.

Working with me is a safe space to honor your pet, and I would be honored to leading you to a place of healing. Click here to inquire about commissioning your own portrait.

Click here if you’re looking for tips on how to gently move from sadness to joy when experiencing the loss of a pet.


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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