Gahh sometimes working out just simply sucks (after 5 months in the gym I’m still not a fan). Recently I finished a work out and was so happy I made it through the whole hour I wanted to buy every new bag and shoe I’ve had my eye on and eat all the chocolate in the world. Just because I made it through another kick-ass work out.
Instead, I sign up for a half-marathon… With everything on my plate I must be crazy, but that’s nothing new huh? SO here we go! March 15 is the race and I’m going to start training soon. We’ll see if it’s possible with everything I’m doing but fingers crossed… Aaaaand if you think I haven’t already checked out all the new LuLuLemon gear I’m buying to entice me to stick to the race, and the LV bag I’m buying as soon I’ve crossed that finish line, you’re dead wrong. We all need a carrot… or two sometimes.
What do you do to reward yourself?