Benjamine Moore’s Nuance magazine profiled Jill Sorensen and LiveLikeYou recently and one of the renderings I do for the company was included. Yay! I can’t draw to save my life so Jill is the artist when it comes to the sketching and then I come in with watercolors and do the actual painting. We’ve been a good team so far.
It’s always nice to see your own work in magazines and Jill is a rockstar in the media already. She’s everywhere! Both in the U.S. and in Sweden.
Speaking of Swedish press, a Swedish blog covering flowers and florist news recently did a profile on my floral paintings and especially bridal bouquets! Yay! How fun. Emelie, the blogger really enjoyed my art and thought preserving the wedding bouquet as a painting was a very unique idea and much prefers it over dried flowers. One of the comments said it was a very “inspiring” interview. That to me is a huge compliment as I never really imagined I would ever inspire anyone really. The interview is in both Swedish and English.
I love when blogs and magazines emails me for interviews. I get so flattered that they like my art and find it so interesting to hear and answer their questions. It’s also nice to see which paintings they will feature and clients get really excited if they’re painting shows up in an article. Â Many of you already know that I’ve worked in public relations for almost ten years now so I really value earned media. Â To me, it’s both easier and more difficult representing my own art and myself in the media than a company. Of course I can answer all the questions about myself and my art but it’s also more difficult because I’m so passionate about it and sometimes it is harder to be objective. Art is also so personal and I find myself trying to balance the Swede in me that says “don’t brag” with being overly sales-ey and at the same time try to come across as a likable artist that people what to know more about. I also overanalyze as you can tell so that makes it also harder. I try to be as authentic and honest I can be and hopefully I will continue get opportunities to practice.
Have a great day!