“Oh my goodness! You have completely captured his happy-go-lucky personality! I’m blown away. It’s funny when you see other’s beautiful paintings of their pets — but when it’s your’s it’s just remarkable how you capture the personality on canvas!” – L.F. of Virginia.

Sam’s Portrait was a Valentine’s Day gift from a wife to her husband. How romantic! It’s about time we shower our men with lovely gifts! She jumped at the occassion of getting a portrait of their new pup after I announced on Facebook that I had one more spot before V-day some time early fall last year. Now it prominantly hangs in their livingroom where they can view it at all times. 

Don’t you just fall in love with those puppy ears?? I can’t help but smile when I see them. My client shared that Sam loves being outside, so much so it’s sometimes difficult bringing him back in the house. He’s always happy and playful, sometimes to the dismay of his much older sister. 

My client gave me full artist range and I chose the dark to light green background color for two reasons: 1) to symbolize the grass which he loves so much; and 2) because he comes across (to me) as a very warm and happy dog something I think the different shades of green showcases. The color works really well with the fur which is important. The background color is to compliment the portrait, not to overpower it. The paint spreads onto all sides of the painting. 

See more photos of Sam in the gallery, and if you are interested in having your pet painted or giving one as a gift, check out this page: www.StudioEriksdotter.com/pet and feel free to email me with any questions.


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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