Cocktails & Canvases - May 4. Paint and prints.

The Spring Art Auction 2013 is coming towards the end, let’s look back at some recent “Cocktails & Canvases”.

The May 4th Cocktails & Canvases went off without a hitch, accept a last minute cancellation.  I’m always excited when we have a packed house but oh well – nothing we can do about that.

Cocktails & Canvases - May 4. Mojitos

You know I love the drink menu right? Well, I must have been craving summer because I added mojitos to this event. And though it was a little bit extra work for me and my assistant, they were so yummy.

Cocktails & Canvases - May 4, 2013.

It was such a pleasure to have Susan, Carolyn and Emmalee paint, sing-a-along and see my art. I always do a little tour around the house once everyone’s done with their paintings. They got to see the paintings included in the Spring Art Auction 2013 before anyone else and see what I’m currently working on. It’s a lot of fun for me to talk about the pieces in such an intimate setting.

Cocktails & Canvases May 4 - impromptu measuring session

You never know what’s going to happen during these events – this time we had an impromptu measuring session as apparently both Susan, me and Emmalee go by 5’5″ when it was pretty obvious that Susan was much taller than me and Emmalee.

Cocktails & Canvases - May 4 - Budding Artists

Ahh what a happy bunch we are! Such great budding artists!

I haven’t decided when the next C&C will take place but probably in August as my commission schedule is getting really packed. Private parties of 6 are always an option though – just send me a note and we can schedule something that works for us both.

Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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