I’m back! Back in the country after a few days in Spain. I’ll tell you all about it at a later point (nudging the hubby for some good photos), but first some photos from the Cocktails & Canvases I hosted this past Saturday, a tad jet lagged.
It was a small group of 3 peeps (out of the 10 seats available) and it was perfect because it was the second day back from vacation for me). Cherie, Suzanne and Marsha were just the perfect crew for a lovely day of painting with some good music and the windows open.
We kicked it off at 1 pm and everyone wrapped up their pieces at 4 pm. I guided the class and help here and there on what to do next or what techniques to use. We had a great time! I love how each student’s personality comes out in their pieces. Marsha, a teacher, said that it felt great to learn something new and be in that seat for a change – since she teaches her students something new every day.
My new little “BYOB” structure helps me to teach so much more and not worry about playing hostess at the same time. I really enjoy teaching and it benefits the students so much more so I think it was a wise decision even though I felt bad for changing it. I guess everything is trial and error in the beginning, but who doesn’t have a wine bottle at home to bring?
Suzanne asked me in the beginning of the class “I’ve seen the photos of all the finished pieces from the class online and they look so amazing. Is it really possible that we’re going to come away being equally as happy?” Â I think they look pretty happy, don’t you??