Anna’s Pet Portrait


Anna, a german shorthair pointer, was my client’s husband’s dog and never left his side. He brought her home in his lap and they never parted until her death. She was bred for upland game birds, ducks and geese. Sporting breeds either point and retrieve and even as a puppy Anna would point with her daddy would dangle a feather in front of her. My client’s fondest memory is watching them side-by-side walk out to hunt or sitting in a duck blind with both of them in stealth watch for incoming birds. Anna was a champion show dog to her on dislike.

My client wanted to honor Anna’s hunting background so we picked this lovely green.


During the process: “I’m blown away. My heart skips a beat each time I open the latest stage of Anna’s portrait. I try not to cry but always do.”

After seeing the portraits in real life: “The portraits of Spike and Anna are gorgeous. My husband is in tears. I love Anna’s so intense and regal portrait just like her but Spike’s makes me cry. That big goofball was my love and his portrait captures his happy loving spirit. Someday I hope to send you the others. Thank you for bringing us such beautiful memories.”

– H.P. of Virginia


Medium: Acrylic on canvas. Sealed with matte varnish for protection.
16×20 inches (41×51 cm)