Sandra’s Bridal Bouquet


This painting was commissioned by a client who surprised his wife with a gift certificate for a bridal bouquet on their five year anniversary. His wife was over the moon with excitement and anticipation.

I decided to make the dark calla lilies softer with less contrasts between the deep and dark colors, and picked highlights of rich purple, red and white. This is such a peaceful and elegant bouquet I wanted it to speak for itself.  The clients were open to whatever background color I chose, and this particular dark gray color has that softer feel. It’s an easy transition on the eyes to go from the calla lilies to the dark gray.

“Ever since I first saw Erica’s wedding bouquets I secretly hoped that my husband would have her paint my bouquet one day. For our five year wedding anniversary this year he gave me a card letting me know that’s exactly what he had done. I was thrilled. When it was time to see the finished painting I was amazed, it was absolutely perfect and just as beautiful as my real bouquet on the day we got married.”

– S.A. of Virginia

Medium: Acrylic on canvas. Sealed with matte varnish for protection.
Size: 20 x 20 inches (51 x 51 cm)