For me, art is a soft place to land. It’s the place inside of me that I’ve returned to nearly every day for over 30 years. For me, my art is being aligned to my true self. I feel compassion and harmony when I paint. I feel at home.

I’ve retreated into my art during life changes that made me feel fragile or scared. Not to hide, but to find myself or the harmony. I remember becoming a mother for the first time five years ago and the pure bliss returning to the easel for the first time. I remembered who I was.

During 2020, juggling a long waitlist of pet portraits while taking care of our children during a pandemic was challenging. But it was those hours I felt I had to fight for to make happen are probably what kept me sane. Art does that. It heals. It restores.

The beautiful part with art is that there’s an abundance of art flowing through us all in different ways. And all our art is needed, for ourselves and for others to receive the benefit of. Perhaps most importantly during this time in the world. That’s why I’m opening up a scholarship program for my paid course, “How to Paint a Dog Portrait.”

How to Apply for the Scholarship Program

On October 25, I’m opening up applications for our scholarship program. Giving back is hugely important to me and launching this new robust and comprehensive course only felt right if I also included scholarships. I’m excited to offer 3 seats. Each recipient will receive full tuition to this year’s How to Paint a Dog Portrait.

Not many things in life are easy. I’ve had my share of ups and downs, and sometimes I’ve wanted to give up. This is my way of putting a little ease and grace into the world. In this time in the world a little bit of compassion and healing can go a long way.

I invite you to claim your dream of painting more. To devote more time to a practice that nurtures your own Self as much as your art nurtures the world around you.

And if your dream is even bigger than that, then I invite you to claim what is yours and hone your skills in painting pet portraits to assist more people in their wish of honoring their beloved pets.

If you feel that the How to Paint a Dog Portrait is out of reach, I highly encourage you to take the time and apply for one of the scholarships.

The application process is simple and only includes two questions and a little bit of information about you. To be notified when the application period opens, join the waitlist below. 

Here’s the thing: I too am self-taught.

I’m a third generation painter and the need to paint has always been there. It’s pumping in my veins and flows through me from my heart. It’s the one thing I’ve returned to my whole life, and practiced nearly daily over 30+ years.

Everything I’ve picked up along the 30+ years since dipping my brush at the dining table in Sweden, I’ve learned by daring, playing and with lots of trial and heartache.

There’s been many times I’ve wanted to give up. There’s been many times I was happy to have a high paying job providing me with a paycheck because trying to ‘make it’ felt too hard.

Once I started going inward and listening to my art I found the direction I needed to go and focus on my pet portraits.

As a 7-year old kid losing myself in the rhythm of dipping my brush in the watercolors onto the leftover art paper my grandfather had given me, I never thought I’d have a two-page feature in the Washington Post or have long national TV segments about my art. Nor did I dream I would have a long waitlist for my art that my customers loved so deeply.

I painted anyway. And I would still be painting today without all that success. It’s who I am. While it’s also my work and it evolves many components, it’s my therapy as much as it is for my clients.

Having someone believing in me and supporting me along this often long and lonely road has meant everything to me. I thank my inner being for never giving up all those times I wanted to throw in the towel. My husband would be there, helping me pick up the pieces. My mom and sisters cheering me on via our group text every day.

Support system. Abundance.

Giving back. Time and effort.

Good luck!

We’re accepting applications October 25-31, 2021. The deadline to apply is 9pm ET on October 31, 2021. Please apply by filling out this form. Winners will be notified by email on November 1, 2021.

I don’t sell my art, can I still apply for a scholarship? All applications are welcome from all skill levels, including those who have never painted before or are well established pet portrait painters.

I don’t live in the U.S. Am I eligible to apply for a scholarship? Absolutely!

How many scholarships do you offer? I’m excited to offer 3 seats this year. Each recipient will receive full tuition to this year’s How to Paint a Dog Portrait. The application process is simple and only includes two questions and a little bit of information about you.


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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