Man, there’s some good art out there. I always get floored when we’re setting up our tent and hanging my art in my booth and I look around at what other people have on display. Dang. People are talented! I could have sat and starred at David Oleski’s art or Mark MacKinnon photography all day long.
I made friends with some amazing people last year at Arts in the Park and I was happy to see their smiling faces again.
Mary Lou Hess and her husband Joe are both in their mid-80s – HELLO! Based in Louisville, Kentucky, they travelled 9 hours to participate in this show! They are just the sweetest people and we can just talk for hours if we didn’t have a show to do. They always sit behind my tent.
{I absolutely love her etchings.}
Kris Taylor is another wonderful person who is always on the left side of my booth at Arts in the Park. She also does etchings, something I hadn’t heard about before last year. As Mary Lou explains on her site: “Etching is a process by which a detailed drawing is created on a metal plate, usually zinc, by corroding it’s surface with nitric acid. Once the plate is completely etched with a design, the plate is inked and run through a hand press. Because each print is run individually, no two etchings are exactly alike with each being an original print.”
{Kris Taylor, a local Richmond artist}
It’s so nice to be surrounded by nice people. It definitely makes for a nicer show when you can take a break for a short conversation here and there. This time around was also different because we had friends participating in the show!
IttyBittyPress is a husband and wife team out of Richmond who does screen prints and designs. They do posters for the local music scene but also are all over with their fantastic and unique note cards, t-shirts and event posters.
Bri and Jay cleaned out during the weekend! Follow their stuff on their fan page or check out their goods on Etsy.
Lecky Photography decided to join in on the fun for his first art show! Kenneth is a talented hobby photographer who went to high school with my husband and his wife has become one of my dearest friends. He definitely got the art show bug and will continue doing them.
He recently participated in a photo exhibit in Fredericksburg, VA and won with this photo. You can find more information about Lecky Photography at and follow him on facebook.
Have a great Wednesday!