{This new promo photo was included in the SwedishScene.com write-up about my bridal bouquet paintings}

Susanna for SwedishScene.com interviewed me recently and the article is now out on their site, “Swedish Washington-based artist Erica Eriksdotter successful with her wedding bouquet paintings.” Being a Swede living in the US, it always feels good to make the Swedish community here and over there proud. 

The feature included this new promo photo that Casey took a few weeks ago. It’s not often I have more than one bridal bouquet in the studio at once since I usually ship them out right away. Totally had to take advantage of having these two blue beauties hanging around for features like this. The sizes of the paintings comes through a little better too, don’t you agree?

To be honest, as a painter I prefer to sit behind my easel, but I’m also a business woman promoting myself and my talent. Jill always tells me to be in the photos more… “YOU are the brand and people love to see you and get to know you more!” I’m trying.  🙂


Hi , I’m Erica! Your compassionate pet portrait painter

I’m a 3rd generation painter who has been painting for over 35 years. I’m here to help you find inner peace with custom pet portraits and creative joy through pet pet portrait course.

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